obkb - media - tv - series - regular - ceia - next - 'Next' spots from Fall 1995 - nx95cobkb.com
nx95c1.jpg - Clarissa running to front door, from '???' (#1??)
nx95c2.jpg - as above (at front door)
nx95c3.jpg - Sam and Clarissa share pasta, from 'A Little Romance' (#147)
nx95c4.jpg - as above (closer)
nx95c5.jpg - Clarissa in Precious Poodle Playpen outfit
nx95c6.jpg - as above -- episode: 'Punch the Clocks' (#147)
nx95c7.jpg - as above (rolls her eyes)
nx95c8.jpg - as above (looks back at camera and smiles)
nx95c9.jpg - word 'NICKELODEON' on arrow