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STTW: ``A Girl and Her Cat'' (#011)

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Airing Info
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Airing Info <p< >p> <b< >b>

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Original Air Date
13 Dec 96, 9:00pm ET / 8:00pm CT (11th aired episode; 12th week)

Production Date

Running Time
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please see U.S. airings of STTW

Also Shown
please see Worldwide airings of STTW

Episode Content <p< >p> <b< >b>

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After getting into a huge fight with Salem on Christmas Eve, Sabrina is more than happy when he decides to spend the holiday away from home. However, Sabrina's indifference turns to panic when she discovers that Salem's disappearance involves kitty-napping. (from ABC's AOL folder)

Opening Scene
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Closing Scene
info to come

Fourth Outfit

Character Names
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Credits <p< >p> <b< >b>

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same as ``Pilot'' (#001)


Opening Titles
same as ``Pilot'' (#001)

Opening Credits
Based on Characters Appearing in Archie Comics

Developed By           Johnathan Schmock
Co-Producer            Joh Sherman
Produced By            Kenneth R. Koch
Consulting Producers   Carrie Honigblum
                       Renee Phillips
Co-Executive Producer  Norma Safford Vela
Executive Producer     Nell Scovell
Executive Producer     Paula Hart
Written By             Frank Conniff
Directed By            Brian K. Roberts

Closing Credits
info to come

Other Info <p< >p> <b< >b>

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Tied four-ways for 27th (with Cosby, Dateline NBC and Something So Right), 9.9 rating, 9.6 million homes. 8th highest-rated ABC show. 2nd highest-rated new ABC series, after Spin City (16th, 10.9 rating). For more info, see Friday night Nielsen ratings.

(as shown in College Station, TX, on Waco affiliate KXXV)

Opinions <p< >p> <b< >b>

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Favorite Lines

Favorite Scenes
Sabrina visits Rex as Santa Claus.

Other Good Stuff
to come

Weak Points and Mistakes
After Sabrina found out Salem had been kitty-napped, Melissa was shaking her hands so much, I thought for sure that they would make some sort of joke about it. But they didn't. So why was she shaking her hands so much??

DYNs <p< >p> <b< >b>

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Page content last modified: Fri, Jul 24, 1998