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A little info about some radio appearances that Melissa has made.
Melissa was on the program New York Kids on WNYC 93.9 FM. You can read Adam Lieberman's transcript of the interview at Eric Last's web-site.
Melissa said in her 28 Feb 1997 USA Live appearance that she had been on ABC radio earlier that morning. I know nothing else about this. (...I think. I might have more info about this later, though.)
Melissa was on the program Mark & Brian in the Morning on radio station KLOS in Los Angeles. You can get MPEG3 sound files of this courtesy of Marc Siegfriedt (by way of Michael Landis's web-site) and/or written transcripts courtesy of Charles Schultz.
Melissa was a guest on the radio program Loveline (as opposed to the TV version on MTV). Different stations carried this show at different times and even on different days in many cases.
I'm sure there are other radio appearances I've forgotten about (or don't know about yet). If so, I'll get them up here someday...
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