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Running times summary

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This page is all about the running times of CEIA episodes. If you are using a graphical browser, please see the graphics version of this page.

In the information that follows, ``first half'' includes everything from the opening scene to the first commercial bumper (the CEIA one, not the Nickelodeon one). ``Second half'' includes the second commercial bumper (coming back from the commercial break) to the ``Clarissa Explains It All was taped at...'' voice-over after the closing credits.

Note that these running times are for the episodes as they are now aired by Nickelodeon (U.S.) and not necessarily the times for the episodes as they were originally aired. This is important to realize because the first season shows had a different opening titles sequence and didn't have the ``taped at'' voice-over after the closing credits.

If you want to use these running times to aid in taping the episodes, be sure to add 10 seconds for the two Nickelodeon commercial bumpers (``We'll be right back...'' and ``And now back to...'') and an additional 2 to 2.5 minutes for the commercial break.

Table of running times

Okay, here's the info in tabular form:

                                  First  Second
###  Episode                       Half   Half    Total
---  -------                      -----  ------   -----
101  Revenge                       8:25   11:27   19:52
102  School Picture               11:31   14:01   25:32
103  No T.V.                      11:01   14:26   25:27
104  Urge to Drive                14:04   11:21   25:25
105  CNN                          11:07   14:07   25:14
106  Haunted House                12:31   13:37   26:08
107  Bully                        13:27   12:17   25:44
108  New Addition                 11:21   13:41   25:02
109  Brain Drain                  12:44   13:12   25:56
110  Bake a Cake                  13:53   11:40   25:33
111  Parents Who Say No           10:57   14:38   25:35
112  Cool Dad                     12:09   13:16   25:25
113  Sick Days                    12:58   12:45   25:43

114  Crush                        11:08   13:09   24:17
115  She Drives Me Crazy          11:31   12:45   24:16
116  Sam.....Darling              12:00   12:18   24:18
117  President Ferguson           13:57   10:21   24:18
118  The Return of Mafalda        11:48   12:29   24:17
119  The Great Debate             12:40   11:37   24:17
120  ME 101                       13:08   10:40   23:48
121  The Understudy               13:42   10:35   24:17
122  Can't Buy Love               11:22   12:55   24:17
123  Misguidance Counselor        12:16   12:01   24:17
124  Sam In Love                  12:01   12:02   24:03
125  A New Look                   11:45   12:13   23:58
126  Total TV                     12:58   10:16   23:14
127  Janet's Boyfriend            12:50   11:12   24:02
128  The Darling Wars             12:58   11:20 * 24:18
129  Poetic Justice               11:38   12:39   24:17
130  Sam's Swan Song              14:02   10:16   24:18

131  Punch the Clocks             12:26   11:51   24:17
132  The Silent Treatment         13:41   10:01   23:42
133  Involunteering               12:46   11:26   24:12
134  Take My Advice...Please      13:33   11:14   24:47
135  Marshall's Mid-Life Crisis   12:28   11:50   24:18
136  Football Fever               11:47   12:20   24:07
137  Life of Crime                13:03   11:14   24:17
138  Marshall's Parents Visit     13:27   10:51   24:18
139  Blind Date                   13:02   11:16   24:18
140  The Flu                      12:15   11:48   24:03
141  ESP R US                     12:08   11:51   23:59
142  Commitment                   11:25   12:25   23:50
143  Road Trip                    12:32   11:28   24:00
144  The Bicycle Thief            13:06   11:12   24:18
145  Boy Thoughts                 12:25   11:50   24:15
146  Hero Worship                 12:40   11:40   24:20
147  A Little Romance             10:57   13:00   23:57
148  The Zone                     11:56   12:22   24:18
149  Tale of Two Moms             10:54   13:23   24:17
150  Don't I Know You             11:18   12:50   24:08
151  Babysitting                  10:59   13:16   24:15
152  Educating Janet              12:55   11:23   24:18
153  The Cycle                    12:23   11:54   24:17
154  A New Mom                    11:40   12:38   24:18

155  Editor-In-Chief              14:06   10:39   24:45
156  Piper Comes to Visit         12:49   11:58   24:47
157  Alter Ego                    12:13   12:06   24:19
158  Sam's Dad                    13:30   10:48   24:18
159  The Firm                     10:39   13:40   24:19
160  Janet & Clarissa, Inc.       11:50   12:28   24:18
161  Ferguson Explains It All     13:01   13:32   26:33
162  Dear Clarissa                12:59   11:18   24:17
163  UFO                          10:53   13:25   24:18
164  Clarissa Gets Arrested       10:56   13:12   24:08
165  The Final Episode            10:34   14:15   24:49

* includes 2:05 ``It Came From Somewhere Else''

Charts and graphs

Now a few graphs. First, simple plots of the first-half, second-half, and total times:

                                  First-Half Times

    14-.    o     o      o   o        o o                      o
       .       o                          o   o                   o
 m     .         o   o      o     ooo    o   o o    o       o   o    oo
 i     .      o            o   o       o   o    o  o oo      o
 n  12-.            o   o o     oo          o    o      o        o  o
 u     .  o     o      o      o      o            o       o   o
 t     .   o o     o  o                                o o o           oo
 e     .                                                           o     o
 s  10-.
       . o
        0         10        20        30        40        50       60


-  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -

                                 Second-Half Times

       .           o
       .   o                                                             o
    14-.  o  o  o                                                  o
       .      o  o  o                                    o o         o oo
 m     .             ooo      o                        o  o
 i     .       o        o o          o      o     o     o     o     o
 n  12-.                       ooo     o   o    oo   o       o  oo
 u     . o  o     o        o        o    o     o   o  o     o         o
 t     .                           o      o  oo     o             o
 e     .                 o  oo                                 o
 s  10-.                          o   o o
        0         10        20        30        40        50       60


-  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -

                                Total Running Times

       .                                                             o
    26-.      oo o   o
       .  oooo    ooo
       .        o                         o                    oo        o
 m     .              oooooo ooo    oooo   o ooo    ooo oo oooo  oooo oo
 i  24-.                    o   oo o     o  o   oooo   o  o             o
 n     .                                o
 u     .                          o
 t     .
 e  22-.
 s     .
    20-. o
        0         10        20        30        40        50       60


Notice the definite drop in total running time from the first season to the second. Interesting! I wonder if this is because they went back and added the second-season opening titles sequence to the first season episodes. Was the original opening very much shorter than the current one?


To get an idea of the distribution of running times, here's a few histograms:

              Histogram of First-Half Times

       .                          +--+
    12-.                          |  |
 f     .                          |  |
 r  10-.                    +--+--+  |
 e     .                    |  |  |  |
 q   8-.              +--+  |  |  |  |
 u     .              |  +--+  |  |  +--+
 e   6-.              |  |  |  |  |  |  +--+
 n     .              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 c   4-.              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 y     .              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  +--+
     2-.              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
       +--+           |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
     0-+--+           +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
       8     9     10    11    12    13    14    15


-  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -

             Histogram of Second-Half Times

    12-.       +---+
       .       |   |   +---+
 f  10-.       |   +---+   |
 r     .       |   |   |   |
 e   8-.       |   |   |   |
 q     .       |   |   |   +---+---+
 u   6-.       |   |   |   |   |   |
 e     .   +---+   |   |   |   |   |
 n   4-+---+   |   |   |   |   |   +---+---+
 c     |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
 y   2-|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
       |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   +---+
       10      11      12      13      14      15


-  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -

                     Histogram of Total Running Times

       .                                   +--+
       .                                   |  |
       .                                   |  |
 f  30-.                                   |  |
 r     .                                   |  |
 e     .                                   |  |
 q     .                                   |  |
 u  20-.                                   |  |
 e     .                                   |  |
 n     .                                   |  |
 c     .                                   |  |
 y  10-.                                   |  |
       .                                +--+  |
       .                                |  |  |  +--+--+
       .                                |  |  +--+  |  |
     0-.        +--+                 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
      18          20          22          24          26          28


Notice the small variability (spread) in the total times compared to the first-half and second-half times (even taking into account the change of scale of the ``minutes'' axis). This is evidence that they had a target running time that they were shooting for. If the first half was too long, they shortened the second half, and vice-versa. Of course, we all knew this, but I think it's neat that you can see it in the plots. (By the way, the main way they controlled the length of the second half was by running longer or shorter credits.)


The strongest evidence for this phenomenon comes from a scatterplot of the second-half times vs. first-half times -- i.e., each point is a coordinate pair (x=1st-half, y=2nd-half) for an episode.

                     Second-half vs. First-half Times

       .                         o
       .                          o
       .                      o
       .                           o
    14-.                               o
       .                      o      o          o
       .                         o                   o
       .                         oo          o
       .                         o o              o
 2  13-.                         o   o
 n     .                             o o            o
 d     .                                o
       .                              o  oo
 h     .                                 o o             o
 a     .                                 o   o
 l  12-.                                   o  o    o
 f     .                                     oooo
       .                                          o          o
       . o                                      o  o
       .                                            oo         o
       .                                           o oo   o
       .                                                 oo
       .                                              o     o  o
       .                                            o         oo
    10-.                                                   o
               9        10       11        12       13        14

                                 1st half

(Pearson's correlation for this plot is r = -0.69.)

Here we see clear evidence that as first-half time increases, second-half time descreases. Pretty cool, huh?

The point far away from the others is ``Revenge'' (#101), which has a very short first half. This episode also has the shortest total running time, as you can see in the time series plot above.


More fun stuff! Here are some summary statistics for the running times broken down by season. All values are in minutes (e.g., 24.50 = 24:30).

The numbers are followed by ``boxplots'', which simply summarize graphically the information in columns 2 through 6 -- respectively the minimum value, lower quartile (or 25th percentile), median (50th percentile), upper quartile (75th percentile), and maximum value. The mean and standard deviation are not displayed in the boxplots.

First-half times:

 Season   Min      Q1    Median    Q3     Max     Mean   StdDev
   1      8.42   11.12   12.15   12.97   14.07   12.01   1.528
   2     11.13   11.75   12.27   12.97   14.03   12.45   0.912
   3     10.90   11.75   12.43   12.95   13.68   12.32   0.821
   4     10.57   10.91   12.22   13.00   14.10   12.14   1.243
  all     8.42   11.52   12.38   12.98   14.10   12.26   1.075

              Boxplots of First-Half Times by Season

    14-.       -+-        -+-                   -+-
       .        |          |         -+-         |
       .        |          |          |          |
    13-.      +-+-+      +-+-+      +-+-+      +-+-+
       .      |   |      |   |      |   |      |   |
 m     .      +---+      +---+      +---+      +---+
 i  12-.      |   |      |   |      |   |      |   |
 n     .      |   |      +---+      +-+-+      |   |
 u     .      +-+-+       -+-         |        |   |
 t  11-.        |                    -+-       +-+-+
 e     .        |                               -+-
 s     .        |
    10-.        |
       .        |
       .        |
     9-.        |
       .       -+-
                1          2          3          4

Second-half times:

 Season   Min      Q1    Median    Q3     Max     Mean   StdDev
   1     11.35   12.28   13.27   14.02   14.63   13.11   1.128
   2     10.27   10.67   12.02   12.48   13.15   11.69   0.990
   3     10.02   11.35   11.83   12.38   13.38   11.88   0.795
   4     10.65   11.63   12.47   13.47   14.25   12.49   1.225
  all    10.02   11.35   12.03   13.00   14.63   12.18   1.111

             Boxplots of Second-Half Times by Season

       .       -+-
       .        |                               -+-
    14-.      +-+-+                              |
       .      |   |                            +-+-+
 m     .      +---+       -+-        -+-       |   |
 i  13-.      |   |        |          |        |   |
 n     .      |   |      +-+-+        |        |   |
 u     .      +-+-+      |   |      +-+-+      +---+
 t  12-.        |        +---+      |   |      |   |
 e     .        |        |   |      +---+      |   |
 s     .       -+-       |   |      +-+-+      +-+-+
    11-.                 |   |        |          |
       .                 +-+-+        |         -+-
       .                   |          |
    10-.                  -+-        -+-
                1          2          3          4

Total Times:

 Season   Min      Q1    Median    Q3     Max     Mean   StdDev
   1     19.87   25.42   25.53   25.72   26.13   25.12   1.605
   2     23.23   24.05   24.28   24.28   24.30   24.15   0.279
   3     23.70   24.10   24.28   24.30   24.78   24.20   0.211
   4     24.13   24.30   24.32   24.77   26.55   24.62   0.682
  all    19.87   24.25   24.30   24.75   26.55   24.44   0.858

                Boxplots of Total Times by Season

       .                                         o
    26-.       -+-
       .      +-+-+
       .      +---+
       .      +-+-+
       .       -+-
       .                              o        +-+-+
       .                                       |   |
       .                 +===+      +===+      +=+=+
 m  24-.                 +-+-+      +-+-+       -+-
 i     .                  -+-        -+-
 n     .                              o
 u     .                   o
 t     .
 e     .
 s     .
       .        o
                1          2          3          4


This last one needs a little explanation. If a value is ``too far'' away from the rest of the data, it is labeled an ``outlier'' and is plotted separately as a point (for the exact rules used to identify outliers, see any standard intro-level statistics textbook).

We see that each season contains at least one ``unusual'' episode. These are summarized below.

 Season  Episode                               Comment
   1     ``Revenge'' (#101)                    way shorter than usual
   2     ``Total TV'' (#126)                   shorter than usual
   3     ``The Silent Treatment'' (#132)       shorter than usual
   3     ``Take My Advice...Please'' (#134)    longer than usual
   4     ``Ferguson Explains It All'' (#161)   way longer than usual

Finally, we look at boxplots of running times for all episodes.

                  Boxplots of CEIA Running Times

       .                                 --+--
    14-.            --+--                  |
       .              |                    |
 m  13-.          +---+---+            +---+---+
 i     .          +-------+            |       |
 n  12-.          |       |            +-------+
 u     .          +---+---+            +---+---+
 t  11-.              |                    |
 e     .            --+--                  |
 s  10-.                                 --+--
       .              o
                     1st                  2nd

The outlier is ``Revenge'' (#101), which has an unusually short first half, as we saw before.

               Boxplots of CEIA Running Times

       .                     o
    26-.                     o
       .                     o
       .                     o
       .                   --8--
       .                     |
       .                     |
       .                     |
       .              +------+------+
       .              |             |
       .              |             |
       .              +======+======+
    24-.                     |
       .                     |
 m     .                   --+--
 i     .
 n     .                     o
 u     .
 t     .
 e     .
 s     .
    20-.                     o
                         total time

Here we see lots of outliers! (The ``8'' denotes two outliers at nearly the same place.) There are many more than we have seen when breaking down the episodes by season. This is easily explained by noting that the first-season shows were, on the average, longer than those in the later seasons. Thus there are many unusually long first-season shows.

The two shortest episodes are ``Revenge'' (#101) and ``Total TV'' (#126). The six longest ones (longest to shortest) are ``Ferguson Explains It All'' (#161) ``Haunted House'' (#106), ``Brain Drain'' (#109), ``Bully'' (#107), ``Sick Days'' (#113), and ``Parents Who Say No'' (#111).

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Page content last modified: Fri, Jul 24, 1998