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These are things that I need help with.
If anyone knows the answer to one of these questions,
e-mail me.
- Where did the expression, ``oh-be kay-be''
Recurrent phrases]
come from?
One of Bill Cosby's stand-up routines, Fat Albert, the Little Rascals,
or somewhere else?
Mitchell Kriegman says:
``obkb was melissa's expression, i incorporated it.''
This is neat info, but unfortunately still leaves us with the question of
where Melissa got it from.
- In
``She Drives Me Crazy'' (#115),
what cartoon is Ferguson watching in the ``gift-giving'' scene?
- At the very end of
``She Drives Me Crazy'' (#115),
what does Ferguson say after Clarissa says, ``Teenage mutant ninja moron!''
- In
``The Silent Treatment'' (#132),
when Sam reminds Clarissa that Ferguson has grown taller than her, she says:
``There's height and there's stature, Sam.
Never confuse the two.''
Now, I know this is a line from a movie or TV show
(except for the ``Sam'' part, of course).
What is it from?
- In the opening of
``Blind Date'' (#139),
who plays Clarissa as a baby?
My first thought was that it was one of Melissa's sisters
Some info about Melissa Joan Hart).
But now that I've seen all of her siblings,
I know that's not the case.
- In
``The Firm'' (#159),
Marshall answers a call from Dempsey, Dempsey & Poteet
on Clarissa's phone and wonders afterward how they got the number.
We have ample evidence that Clarissa doesn't have a separate line -- in
``Babysitting'' (#151),
for example, Clarissa tries to avoid Mrs. Soaperstein's phone call
only to have Janet answer the phone downstairs.
So do the Darlings have an unlisted number?
I would think that other ``phone call'' evidence would prove otherwise.
Question: What other phone call evidence would this be?
- What the heck is that frog thing beside the front door (inside the house)?
- In
``Clarissa Gets Arrested'' (#164),
was the little musical snippet as Janet and Marshall leave to make
``protest pitas'' something from the ``Love Beads'' album from
``Janet's Boyfriend'' (#127)?
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Fri, Jul 24, 1998