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German CEIA episode titles

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This is a list of the German titles for the episodes of CEIA (called simply Clarissa in Germany) along with their English translations.

Each entry starts out with the official episode number and (English) title -- if Nickelodeon Online uses a different title, this is noted, also -- followed by the German title and then the English translation, including a word-for-word, literal translation, if necessary.

The German-to-English translations come from myself (with help from Travlang's German - English On-line Dictionary), Volker Spellerberg (with help from MS Lexirom dictionary) and Karl H. Niemann. (Thanks, guys!)

#101: ``Revenge''
«Clarissas Rache»
``Clarissa's Revenge''
#102: ``School Picture''
«Das Klassenfoto»
``The Class Photo''
#103: ``No T.V.''
``Forbidden T.V.'' (lit. ``Television Prohibition'')
#104: ``Urge to Drive''
«Weihnachten im Mai»
``Christmas in May''
#105: ``CNN'' (``Clarissa News Network'')
«Clarissa greift ein»
``Clarissa Intervenes''
#106: ``Haunted House''
«Stimmen aus dem Jenseits»
``Voices From the Beyond''
#107: ``Bully''
«Ferguson in Not»
``Ferguson in Trouble''
#108: ``New Addition''
«Das Experiment»
``The Experiment''
#109: ``Brain Drain''
«Alles ist relativ»
``Everything Is Relative''
#110: ``Bake a Cake'' (``Clarissa Makes A Cake'')
«Der Hochzeitstag»
``The Wedding Day''
#111: ``Parents Who Say No''
«Der Strandkarneval»
``The Beach Carnival''
#112: ``Cool Dad''
«Daddy macht auf Cool»
``Daddy tries to be Cool'' (lit. ``Daddy makes on Cool'')
#113: ``Sick Days''
«Der Virus»
``The Virus''
#114: ``Crush'' (``Clarissa's Crush'')
«Der Wettermann von Kanal 8»
``The Weatherman on Channel 8''
#115: ``She Drives Me Crazy''
«Kleine Lügen»
``Little Lies''
#116: ``Sam.....Darling'' (``Sam Darling'')
«Sam macht sich beliebt»
``Sam Ingratiates''
#117: ``President Ferguson''
«Präsident Ferguson»
``President Ferguson''
#118: ``The Return of Mafalda'' (``The Return of Aunt Mafalda'')
«Mafaldas Rückkehr»
``Mafalda's Return''
#119: ``The Great Debate''
«Unterschiedliche Standpunkte»
``Different Points of View''
#120: ``ME 101''
#121: ``The Understudy''
«Die Zweitbesetzung»
``The Understudy''
#122: ``Can't Buy Love''
«Falsche Freunde»
``False Friends''
#123: ``Misguidance Counselor'' (``The Misguidance Counselor'')
«Drohende Normalität»
``Imminent Normality''
#124: ``Sam In Love''
«Der verliebte Sam»
``Sam In Love''
#125: ``A New Look'' (``The New Look'')
«Ein neuer Verehrer»
``A New Admirer''
#126: ``Total TV''
«Fernsehen total»
``Total TV''
#127: ``Janet's Boyfriend'' (``Janet's Old Boyfriend'')
«Janets erste Liebe»
``Janet's First Love''
#128: ``The Darling Wars'' (``Darling Wars'')
«Die Nacht des Grauens»
``The Night of Horror''
#129: ``Poetic Justice''
«Clarissas poetische Ader»
``Clarissa's Poetic Vein''
#130: ``Sam's Swan Song''
«Wer will schon nach Seattle?»
``Who wants to go to Seattle?''
#131: ``Punch the Clocks''
«Der Nebenjob»
``The Extra Job''
#132: ``The Silent Treatment''
«Schweigen ist Rache»
``Silence is Revenge''
#133: ``Involunteering''
«Janets Befröderung»
``Janet's Promotion''
#134: ``Take My Advice...Please''
«Fergusons Schmusedecke»
``Ferguson's Cuddle-Blanket''
#135: ``Marshall's Mid-Life Crisis''
«Abenteuer in der Südsee»
``Adventure in the South Sea''
#136: ``Football Fever''
«Der Fotowettbewerb»
``The Photo Competition''
#137: ``Life of Crime''
«Der Diebstahl»
``The Theft''
#138: ``Marshall's Parents Visit'' (``Marshall's Parents Come to Visit'')
«Der Besuch der Großeltern»
``The Visit of the Grandparents''
#139: ``Blind Date''
«Rendezvous mit einem Unbekannten»
``Rendezvous with an Unknown''
#140: ``The Flu''
``Snowed In''
#141: ``ESP R US'' (``ESP R Us'')
«Übersinnliche Kräfte»
``Psychic Forces''
#142: ``Commitment''
«Missverständnisse mit Folgen»
``Misunderstandings with Consequences''
#143: ``Road Trip'' (``Roadtrip'')
«Alle Jahre wieder»
``Every Year Again''
#144: ``The Bicycle Thief''
«Auf krummen Touren»
``Crooked Business'' (lit. ``On Crooked Tours'')
#145: ``Boy Thoughts''
``Only for Men'' (lit. ``Men's Thing'')
#146: ``Hero Worship''
«Das Idol»
``The Idol''
#147: ``A Little Romance''
«Eine kleine Romanze»
``A Little Romance''
#148: ``The Zone''
«Der Kuss der Muse»
``The Kiss of the Muse''
#149: ``Tale of Two Moms''
«Ordnung ist nur das halbe Leben»
``Order is Just Half of Life''
#150: ``Don't I Know You'' (``Don't I Know You?'')
«Die Talentshow»
``The Talent Show''
#151: ``Babysitting''
#152: ``Educating Janet''
«Janet und die Kunst»
``Janet and Art''
#153: ``The Cycle''
«Das Motorrad»
``The Motorcycle''
#154: ``A New Mom''
«Das Mutter-Tochter-Problem»
``The Mother-Daughter Problem''
#155: ``Editor-In-Chief'' (``Editor in Chief'')
«Die Chefredakteurin»
``Editor-In-Chief'' (lit. ``The Chief Editor'')
#156: ``Piper Comes to Visit''
«Besuch aus New York»
``Visit from New York''
#157: ``Alter Ego''
«Das Doppelleben»
``The Double Life''
#158: ``Sam's Dad''
«Ist das noch normal?»
``Is That Still Normal?''
#159: ``The Firm''
«Marshalls neue Firma»
``Marshall's New Firm''
#160: ``Janet & Clarissa, Inc.''
«Die Bouncy Balls»
``The Bouncy Balls''
#161: ``Ferguson Explains It All''
«Mentaler Zweikampf»
``Mental Duel''
#162: ``Dear Clarissa''
«Guter Rat ist teuer» or «Guter Rat ist oft teuer» or «Guter Rat ist oft schwer»
``Good Advice Is (Often) Costly'' or ``Good Advice Is Difficult''
#163: ``UFO'' (``U.F.O'')
#164: ``Clarissa Gets Arrested''
«Clarissa in Haft»
``Clarissa Under Arrest''
#165: ``The Final Episode'' (``The Last Episode'')
«Start in die Zukunft»
``Start into the Future''

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Page content last modified: Fri, Jul 24, 1998