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Why do we (on the list, overwhelmingly adult males)
like CEIA so much?
[See also the
Digest page. :-)
Anyone care to tackle the question of why you watch the show?
Why I watch Clarissa? Maybe the hardest question one could ask. ^_^ I mean, my roommates certainly can't understand. (But then, Jim, I can't understand why you watch 90210. ^_^)Its a cool show. Yeah, its a kids show. Its still a cool show.
^_^ And Melissa Joan Hart is damn cute. ^_^
Well Hi. Nickelodeon is the coolest channel in the world (weather channel is a hot second) and I watch just about anything on that channel, except for 'Lassie' and 'Jeff's Collie' which is the same thing, only older.'Clarissa Explains it all' is watched because Pazu watches it and I wanted to see the girl that turned his head and made him dedicate his life to.
No real reason for watching it really. It's just a pretty cool show.
I want to sneak in that room of hers and steal so many props, it isn't funny.
Clarissa is pretty cool too. Amazing that a girl that young and into the pop culture thing is so clean looking - no zits!
Another thing I just thought of that I like about CEIA (hey, Jim, shoulda picked a more inspiring name for the list, like is the perspective. Clarissa talks to the audience. A lot. (Of course; that's part of the premise of the show.) And she gets all those cool graphics and things to help her out. I like that a lot...
That was poignant. But I hope 'true-to-life' doesn't become a staple on CEIA. I dimly remember the 14-15 years, and they weren't particularly amusing. ``Fifteen'', the (dreadful) show before CEIA, is probably a lot truer-to-life, but I'd rather watch the Weather Channel.
This episode may be a little hard to understand, and I did not see it under the best conditions, internally or externally.You see, although I need all the time I can get to study for my all-important final final, I went out of my way to see this episode. The cable delivery system where I have been watching from was damaged (not for the first time--on past occasions the cable was evidently ripped out of the wall), and I went to another location (the Rensselaer Union), where people were watching the TV there, but no one who was still around at 8 o'clock seemed to be actively watching the channel it was tuned to. So, I watched CEIA, in an environment that was noisy (apparently some adult children were having a water-ballistic fight behind us), while the screen was dirty and several feet over my head, and I felt guilty for being so persistent at doing what I wanted to do rather than what I *had* to do.
Second, a major part of the appeal of the show is the agelessness of the character, combined with the asexual nature of the show. I have this sneaking suspicion that the show may lose one or both of these characteristics as time goes by, which would be a real shame.
Someone asked me if I liked CEIA because Clarissa was cute and young. After thinking about it, I had to disagree. The humor and situations that occur within the show really appeal to me. Basically, CEIA is a simple show, and the stupidity and ridiculousness of things makes me laugh. And that makes me happy. I also watch reruns of the Partridge Family for the same reasons...
Hmm...As coming from the age group Clarissa is in, I say I watch CEIA becaust Clarissa _is_ cute and young :> But, I watch it just like it watch Saturday Night Live or a televangelist (in the sense of Genesis' Jesus, He Knows Me). You're right. The stupidity and ridiculousness of the show is just hilarious. Oh well. The Partridge family is before my time.
For the most, same here, but, I also find her extremely cute, AND, I think she does a damn good job with the character...
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