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List mail digest

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This section is intended to be a ``digest version'' of the archived ``clarissa'' list mail. I have excerpted what I feel is interesting or important information from the old mail messages and grouped them into the general categories you see below. Of course, this is all very subjective -- it's really just a way of collecting information for my ``Clarissa FAQ'' (now three different FAQs, soon to be four). I would recommend that you go ahead and read all of the archived list mail if you're really interested in seeing what people have said on the list. (See The Clarissa Mailing List FAQ info on how to subscribe and/or get old list mail.)

Note: This only includes list mail messages from 1992 and 1993. (See other things to note below.)

Digest contents


I have not indicated edits in the messages (with a ``[...]''), except in rare instances. I haven't changed any spelling or other mistakes, nor have I changed the various and sundry titles people used to refer the episodes (no one knew the official titles at the time); although sometimes I indicate the official title before quoting the message.

If you come across an episode reference that you don't recognize -- e.g., ``the Christmas cards episode'' or ``Polter-guest'' -- see Alternate episode titles for the official title. (Links to the list of alternate titles are provided at the bottom of each Digest page.)

Basically, the only thing I did to the body of the messages (other than remove huge portions of them) is convert quotation marks (") to open-quotes (``) or close-quotes (''), as appropriate.

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Donald Lancon Jr [e-mail me]
Page content last modified: Fri, Jul 31, 1998