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STTW episode pages

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List of STTW episodes

In production order: season one, two
In broadcast order: season one, two

These are my so-called ``episode pages'' for Sabrina, the Teenage Witch. The basic format is similar to the CEIA episode pages.

Thanks to Hartbreak Films, Viacom Publicity, and (MJH-fan) Bevis King for the production numbers. The episode titles are taken from ABC's AOL folder or from Viacom Publicity and are the official ones.

Note: You can get a quick overview of what information is provided for each episode, without having to flip through all of the pages, by looking at Completeness of STTW episode pages.

List of STTW episodes

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In production order

First season:

[top | next season | bottom]

  1. ``Pilot'' (#001)
  2. ``Bundt Friday'' (#002)
  3. ``Terrible Things'' (#003)
  4. ``The True Adventures of Rudy Kazootie'' (#004)
  5. ``Geek Like Me'' (#005)
  6. ``A Halloween Story'' (#006)
  7. ``Dream Date'' (#007)
  8. ``Third Aunt From the Sun'' (#008)
  9. ``Magic Joel'' (#009)
  10. ``Sweet & Sour Victory'' (#010)
  11. ``A Girl and Her Cat'' (#011)
  12. ``Jenny's Non-Dream'' (#012)
  13. ``Trial by Fury'' (#013)
  14. ``Sabrina Through the Looking Glass'' (#014)
  15. ``Hilda and Zelda: The Teenage Years'' (#015)
  16. ``Mars Attracts!'' (#016)
  17. ``Sweet Charity'' (#017)
  18. ``First Kiss'' (#018)
  19. ``Meeting Dad's Girlfriend'' (#019)
  20. ``Cat Showdown'' (#020)
  21. ``As Westbridge Turns'' (#021)
  22. ``The Great Mistake'' (#022)
  23. ``The Crucible'' (#023)
  24. ``Troll Bride'' (#024)

Second season (production order):

[top | previous season | bottom]

  1. ``Sabrina Gets Her License, Part I'' (#025)
  2. ``Sabrina Gets Her License, Part II'' (#026)
  3. ``Dummy for Love'' (#027)
  4. ``Dante's Inferno'' (#028)
  5. ``A Doll's Story'' (#029)
  6. ``Sabrina, the Teenage Boy'' (#030)
  7. ``A River of Candy Corn Runs Through It'' (#031)
  8. ``Inna-Gadda-Sabrina'' (#032)
  9. ``Witch Trash'' (#033)
  10. ``To Tell a Mortal'' (#034)
  11. ``Oh, What a Tangled Spell She Weaves'' (#035)
  12. ``Sabrina Claus'' (#036)
  13. ``Little Big Kraft'' (#037)
  14. ``Five Easy Pieces of Libby'' (#038)
  15. ``Finger Lickin' Flu'' (#039)
  16. ``Sabrina and the Beanstalk'' (#040)
  17. ``The Equalizer'' (#041)
  18. ``The Band Episode'' (#042)
  19. ``My Nightmare, the Car'' (#043)
  20. ``Quiz Show'' (#044)
  21. ``Fear Strikes Up a Conversation'' (#045)
  22. ``Rumor Mill'' (#046)
  23. ``When Teens Collide'' (#047)
  24. ``Mom vs. Magic'' (#048)
  25. ``Disneyworld'' (#049)
  26. ``Sabrina's Choice'' (#050)

In broadcast order

First season:

[top | next season | bottom]

  1. ``Pilot'' (#001)
  2. ``Bundt Friday'' (#002)
  3. ``The True Adventures of Rudy Kazootie'' (#004)
  4. ``Terrible Things'' (#003)
  5. ``A Halloween Story'' (#006)
  6. ``Dream Date'' (#007)
  7. ``Third Aunt From the Sun'' (#008)
  8. ``Magic Joel'' (#009)
  9. ``Geek Like Me'' (#005)
  10. ``Sweet & Sour Victory'' (#010)
  11. ``A Girl and Her Cat'' (#011)
  12. ``Trial by Fury'' (#013)
  13. ``Jenny's Non-Dream'' (#012)
  14. ``Sabrina Through the Looking Glass'' (#014)
  15. ``Hilda and Zelda: The Teenage Years'' (#015)
  16. ``Mars Attracts!'' (#016)
  17. ``First Kiss'' (#018)
  18. ``Sweet Charity'' (#017)
  19. ``Cat Showdown'' (#020)
  20. ``Meeting Dad's Girlfriend'' (#019)
  21. ``As Westbridge Turns'' (#021)
  22. ``The Great Mistake'' (#022)
  23. ``The Crucible'' (#023)
  24. ``Troll Bride'' (#024)

Second season (broadcast order):

[top | previous season | bottom]

  1. ``Sabrina Gets Her License, Part I'' (#025)
  2. ``Sabrina Gets Her License, Part II'' (#026)
  3. ``Dummy for Love'' (#027)
  4. ``Dante's Inferno'' (#028)
  5. ``A Doll's Story'' (#029)
  6. ``Sabrina, the Teenage Boy'' (#030)
  7. ``A River of Candy Corn Runs Through It'' (#031)
  8. ``Inna-Gadda-Sabrina'' (#032)
  9. ``Witch Trash'' (#033)
  10. ``To Tell a Mortal'' (#034)
  11. ``Oh, What a Tangled Spell She Weaves'' (#035)
  12. ``Sabrina Claus'' (#036)
  13. ``Little Big Kraft'' (#037)
  14. ``Five Easy Pieces of Libby'' (#038)
  15. ``Finger Lickin' Flu'' (#039)
  16. ``Sabrina and the Beanstalk'' (#040)
  17. ``The Equalizer'' (#041)
  18. ``The Band Episode'' (#042)
  19. ``When Teens Collide'' (#047)
  20. ``My Nightmare, the Car'' (#043)
  21. ``Fear Strikes Up a Conversation'' (#045)
  22. ``Quiz Show'' (#044)
  23. ``Disneyworld'' (#049)
  24. ``Sabrina's Choice'' (#050)
  25. ``Rumor Mill'' (#046)
  26. ``Mom vs. Magic'' (#048)

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List of STTW episodes

In production order: season one, two
In broadcast order: season one, two

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Page content last modified: Sat, Aug 1, 1998